For the new summer series there are six planned events over a number of different farms in the Kaipara Flats, Rodney area.
As per last year there will be hot food available at each event with sign-on starting at around 8.30am.
2017/2018 Summer Trail Ride Series
Nov 05 12 Scott’s Farm
Dec 03 Wayne’s Farm
Jan 07 George & Wendy’s Farm
Feb 18 Rat’s Farm
Mar 18 Gaylene’s Farm
For further information on the 2017/2018 season you can check us out on our Facebook page.
Please note we are excluding quad bikes (no exceptions) from all of our future events as they create excessive dust and create unnecessary risk when trying to pass or are being passed by two-wheelers on our narrow tracks. The only quad bikes at our events in future will be used by officials for “sweep riding” and bike recovery purposes.
Also, as these events are run on working farms, we cannot allow any dogs on site as they may interfere with livestock.
What your will need:
Helmets are compulsory
Body Amour and Gloves recommended
A well prepared motorcycle makes the rides more enjoyable.
The purpose of the Kaipara Motorcycle Club is to provide premium off road motorcycle events in the Kaipara Flats, Rodney area and to especially promote and encourage junior and family riding. These events will be run to Motorcycling New Zealand Standard Operating Procedures, for the safety of all riders and event organisers.

When:  Sunday, 12th November 2017
Where:  3856 Kaipara Coast Highway
District:  Rodney