The Farm – Whanagruru
A 1000 acre working dairy farm on the Whangaruru Harbour, just a short drive from Russel and The Bay of Islands
Design you perfect holiday – bring your own boats, boards, bikes, friends and horses, or simply use ours; let us teach you to ride a horse or motorbike. Stay with us in the farm house, cabin or tent or build your own wilderness camp. You can even have a party in the woolshed!
Where: 3632 Russell Road, Whanagruru
What: Motocross Track – 2 Table Tops – Step-up – Berms – Bulldozed Tracks – Farm Riding – Experts only Bush Loop
Cost: $20 track fees and you can hire ladies’ and kids’ bikes.
Camping – Backpackers – Accommodation from only $15 per night
Horse treks and kayaking are also available
Contact: Phone Mike 09 4336894 or visit the web site